The Center for Policy Research (CPR) is the first Mongolian non-governmental policy research institution. CPR undertakes research and development activities independently from any political parties and organizations.
CPR Mission:
Research Consultancy Empowerment – Our Contribution to Addressing Development Challenges of Mongolia
CPR Motto:
Find Invent Do
CPR Quality Policy
The Center for Policy Research will become a nationally recognised NGO by demonstrating leadership in its field, making tangible contributions to decision-making, and consistently increasing beneficiary satisfaction.
Our Activities
Established in 1998 CPR has gained extensive experiences and well known in the areas of rural development, agriculture, livestock/herder development, agricultural value chains, land reform, pasture and risk management, community development, rural poverty and social issues and environmental management. Its expertise includes also ways to address challenges, at both national and local levels, of broader issues of a transitional economy like fiscal decentralization, public administration and regional development.
CPR is engaged in extensive training, promotional and advocacy activities in all directions mentioned above. CPR handles projects financed by multilateral and bilateral donors, government agencies and the private sector.
While managing the preparation and implementation of numerous research and development projects, funded by multilateral and bilateral donors, CPR has established a wide network of cooperation with the national public, private and civil society organizations and governments and herder communities in all aimags and soums of Mongolia.
In recent years, CPR has been involved in undertaking perception studies, social, economic and environmental baseline studies and social impact assessments for large mining and infrastructure projects such as Rio Tinto’s Oyu Tolgoi, Energy Resources’ Uhaa Hudag, Northern Railway’s Erdenet-Murun railway and resettlement policies and action plans for the Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi’s Tavan Tolgoi mine according to the requirements of international financial institutions like IFC and EBRD as key project lenders.
CPR is an acknowledged institution in Mongolia with extensive experiences in promoting livestock development, herders’ group development, community-based pastureland management, risk management, value chain development and environmental management in the post-socialist period.
Currently, CPR has 8 full-time experts and more than 50 associate consultants.