UNDP, Establishment and strengthening the Management Bodies in Local Protected Areas in Toson Hulstai Khentii and Dornod province, 2014-2015

The overall objective was to establish and strengthen appropriate Management Bodies and enhance its ability and of communities in project pilot sites/community conservation landscapes in order to transform them into centers of conservation excellence. Key outputs are: Establish new and/or strengthen existing communities to empower them to alleviate threats identified during the project design phase; Establish management bodies based on co-management principles, including main stakeholders, such as CBOs, NGOs, relevant government agencies and private sector; Ensure that comprehensive regulatory guidelines (standardized forms and templates) to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of community conservation landscapes adopted and operational. Key activities include:

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World Bank, Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi (ETT) company, Resettlement Remedial Action Plan and Resettlement Policy Framework, 2014

Centre for policy research (Lead), Social sustainability services Pty Ltd, Australia (Associate), 2014, have prepared drafted a Resettlement Remedial Action Plan (RRAP) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) to manage potential resettlement impacts of the ETT’s East Tsankhi mine in the Umnugobi aimag Tsogtsetsii soum on local population and entities and organizations through proper resettlement policies, compensation and livelihood restoration programs to the affected people, organized stakeholder consultations on draft policy documents and submitted them to the client. The first in Mongolia methodology for estimating the compensation associated with economic displacement in case of mobile herders’ families was developed and agreed

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Millennium Challenge Account, Peri-urban rangeland project, Training of herders and state officials in pastureland management 2010-July 2013

The project was implemented in 2010-2013 in 52 soums in Selenge, Tuv, Orkhon, Bulgan, Darkhan-Uul, Dornod, Uvurkhangai, Arkhangai aimags. It has organized demonstration training covered 62963 herders, 11868 aimag and VABU officials and 447 national officials (repeated numbers); training needs assessments, building capacities of VABU as local trainers, extensive capacity building activities of herders, aimag and VABU officials in advanced animal nutrition, breeding, animal health, business/marketing, herder group development and pastureland management techniques  through on-site demonstration of innovative best practices and field studies. Training outputs were estimated against adoption indicators – 332 herder groups out of the total of 384project

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WB, Minstry of Food & Agriculture, Livestock and Agricultural Marketing Project (LAMP), 2015-2016

The project objective is to improve rural livelihoods and food security in selected aimags and soums through enhanced productivity, market access and diversification in livestock-based production systems. The project will be implemented in the Chuluut, Tsahir and Tsetserleg soums of the Arkhangai aimag in2015-2016. The project will aim at: Improving efficiencies along the value chains of selected livestock products, namely: meat, cashmere, dairy and wool, through the creation and enhancement of productive partnerships between producer groups such as herders and farmers, and buyers and/or processors of their products, through provision of technical assistance and training to participants in such value

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Oyu Tolgoi Company, Support to Local Business and Economic Development Porgram, 2014-2015

Project Name: Support to Local Business and Economic Development Program (LBED) Approx. Value of Contract: US$ 195,000   Country: Mongolia Location within Country: 3 impact soums of Oyu Tolgoi mine in the Umnugobi aimag Project Duration: 18 months     Oyu Tolgoi Company LTD. Total No of person-months of the project: 48 Start Date: 2014 Completion Date: 2015 Approx. Value of Contract provided by your company: Name of associated firm(s) if any: No No. of Person-Months provided by Associated Firm(s): 48 Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Co-coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed Dr. Enkh-Amgalan, Team Leader, Centre for Policy

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Training project to equip small and medium enterprises in the Dundgobi, Gobisumber, Gobi-Altai, Bulgan, Tuv, Uvurkhangai aimags with the skills to prepare business plans, 2013

Training project to equip small and medium enterprises in the Dundgobi, Gobisumber, Gobi-Altai, Bulgan, Tuv, Uvurkhangai aimags with the skills to prepare business plans, 2013 Information and Training: Training for “Acquirement and Development of Business Plan” was conducted in Bulgan, Gobisumber, Gobi-Altai, Dundgobi, Tuv, and Uvurkhangai aimags. All of 126 persons who engaged small and medium sized industry and interested in engaging of small business participated in the training. Of the participants, 85.7-90.7% evaluated the topics, level of their understanding, trainers’ teaching methodology and organization, training materials and general satisfaction are ‘very good’ or ‘good’. Jointly implemented with aimag officials

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TVET Public Perception Survey 2013 Wave 2 MCA Mongolia

Project Name: TVET Public Perception Survey 2013 Wave 2 MCA Mongolia Approx. Value of Contract:     Country: Mongolia Location within Country: selected soums and districts of Ulaanbaatar city, Bayan-Ulgii, Zavkhan, Khovd, Bayankhongor, Orkhon, Uvurkhangai, Khuvsgul, Darkhan-Uul, Dundgobi, Selenge, Dornod, Khentii aimags Project Duration: 5 months     Name of Client: Sustainability East Asia LLC, 501 San Business Centre, Prime Minister Amar’s Street-29 8th Khoroo, Sukhbaatar District,  Ulaanbaatar Total No of person-months of the project: 11 Start Date: April 2013 Completion Date: July 2013 Approx. value of the services provided by your firm under the contract: Name of associated firm(s)

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Social Baseline Study for the Erdenet-Murun railway

  Social Baseline Study for the Erdenet-Murun railway     Project Name: Social Baseline Study for the Erdenet-Murun railway Approx. Value of Contract: 141,902.00 U$   Country: Mongolia Location within Country: 13 rural   soums and settlements of the Orkhon, Bulgan and Khuvsgul  aimags Project Duration: 30 months                                Name of Client: Northern Railway company LTD Room 302, Altai tower, Chinggis avenue-8, Sukhbaatar district, 1stkhoroo, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Phone: 70116828 Total No of person-months of the project: 30 Start Date: August 2012 Completion Date: November 2012 Approx. Value of Contract provided by your company: 141,902.00 U$ Name of associated firm(s) if

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Training of herders and state officials in pastureland management

Training of herders and state officials in pastureland management   Project Name: Training of herders and state officials in pastureland management Approx. Value of Contract: 2,199,127.06 U$   Country: Mongolia Location within Country: Peri-urban areas of the Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan, Orkhon cities and Choibalsan and Kharkhorin regional centers Project Duration: 33 months                                Name of Client: MCA Mongolia Address: 4th Floor, Academy of Management Building III, Orgil Complex, Khan-Uul District, Ulaanbaatar-210136, Phone: 70151021 Total No of person-months of the project: 320 Start Date: November 2010 Completion Date: July 2013 Approx. Value of Contract provided by your company: 2,199,127.06 U$ Name

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Study to Improve pasture management, livestock support program, Khanbogd, Bayan-Ovoo, Manlai, 2012, Altan nutag NGO, in cooperation with Clean Eenrgy NGO.

Study to Improve pasture management, livestock support program, Khanbogd, Bayan-Ovoo, Manlai, 2012, Altan nutag NGO, in cooperation with Clean Eenrgy NGO. ·         Prepare questionnaire for sustainable pasture use based on the herders’ groups in  Khanbogd, Bayan-Ovoo and Manlai soums ·         Select herders including the study   ·         Conduct training on sustainable use pasture and opportunities lease pasture by contract  ·         Make interview with herders on pasture use and data analysis ·         Develop pasture management methodology suitable to the Gobi region pasture carrying capacity ·         Review whole pasture management program for Oyu Tolgoi at professional level (part 1, basic document), clarify

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