Article in the English language weekly ‘Mongol Messenger’, May 2005
The world is embarked on achieving millennium development goals for reducing poverty. Poverty has not diminished in Mongolia for the past 10 years. The Parliament is discussing millennium development goals for Mongolia while the Government-announced war against poverty began to face criticisms as it fails to show tangible actions. Yet, understanding that stable economic growth and fair distribution of its outcomes are essential for reducing poverty has improved.
The expectation that Mongolia can get rid of poverty by digging gold and copper appears to be increasing. However, this is unlikely to be satisfactory solution given a likely long way for mining revenues to translate into a bomb to explode poverty and physical limits of these resources. The unbeatable fact is that if stable growth is ensured it is livestock herding, livelihood source to more than 40% of population, where growth can immediately translate into peoples’ benefits.
Category: Advocacy

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