Projects completed The impact of sand and dust storms on livestock herding was assessed December 10, 2023 Proposed Mongolia’s portfolio of green projects December 6, 2023 ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS IN KHOVD AND ZAVKHAN AIMAGS WITH THE INVOLVEMENT OF HERDERS TO SUPPORT ITS’ CAPACITY TO ADAPT TO THE CLIMATE CHANGE January 2, 2023 Local consultations organized on the draft pastureland law October 9, 2018 Project Name: Mongolia Improving Productivity of Dairy Farmers (Phase III) August 13, 2018 Outcome evaluation for the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) of the Oyu Tolgoi company August 13, 2018 CPR carried out the feasibility study on grazing fees February 12, 2018 Assessment of the socio-economic impact of Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) in Mongolia, November 2017 January 31, 2018 Developing Rules for Revolving Loan Fund of Protected Area Buffer Zones August 20, 2017 Assignments for international environmental organizations August 20, 2017 Market Assessment of Livestock Market Systems August 20, 2017 Improving Productivity of Dairy Farmers (Phase II) August 20, 2017 Assignments for FAO August 20, 2017 Study on preparing baseline socio-economic data for special protected areas and their buffer zones August 20, 2017 Improved and Effective Implementation of Rangeland Use Agreement (RUA) between Pasture User Groups (PUG) and the soum Governor September 22, 2016 UNDP, Establishment and strengthening the Management Bodies in Local Protected Areas in Toson Hulstai Khentii and Dornod province, 2014-2015 September 20, 2015 World Bank, Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi (ETT) company, Resettlement Remedial Action Plan and Resettlement Policy Framework, 2014 September 20, 2015 Millennium Challenge Account, Peri-urban rangeland project, Training of herders and state officials in pastureland management 2010-July 2013 September 20, 2015 WB, Minstry of Food & Agriculture, Livestock and Agricultural Marketing Project (LAMP), 2015-2016 September 20, 2015 Oyu Tolgoi Company, Support to Local Business and Economic Development Porgram, 2014-2015 September 20, 2015 Training project to equip small and medium enterprises in the Dundgobi, Gobisumber, Gobi-Altai, Bulgan, Tuv, Uvurkhangai aimags with the skills to prepare business plans, 2013 December 8, 2013 TVET Public Perception Survey 2013 Wave 2 MCA Mongolia July 8, 2013 Social Baseline Study for the Erdenet-Murun railway May 14, 2013 Training of herders and state officials in pastureland management May 14, 2013 Study to Improve pasture management, livestock support program, Khanbogd, Bayan-Ovoo, Manlai, 2012, Altan nutag NGO, in cooperation with Clean Eenrgy NGO. May 8, 2012 Khanbogd soum livestock support program, assessment of the compensation plan for affected herder households, methodology for evaluating changes in pasture supply of affected households, Oyu Tolgoi LLC, 2012, Purchase Order No 3100731223 May 8, 2012 Rangeland mapping and information gathering for rangeland environmental assessment January 20, 2011 Support process of selecting groups to receive leases and public outreach education campaign on pastureland leasing under peri-urban rangeland January 20, 2011 Pastureland Management Planning, Demonstration, Risk Mitigation and Response Planning, Sustainable Livelihoods Program-Ii, World Bank January 20, 2011 Re-fresher training for pastureland planning, Sustainable Livelihoods Program-II, World Bank January 20, 2011 Social, Economic and Environmental Baseline Study of the South Gobi aimag January 20, 2011 Perceptions Study on Water Use in the Khanbogd Soum January 20, 2011 Developing a soum mid-term economic development strategy January 20, 2011 Face-to-face training of herders and local governments, Index-based Livestock Insurance Project January 20, 2011 Community Mobilization for Pastureland Management, Sustainable Livelihoods Project January 20, 2011 Poverty and Social Impact Assessment (PSIA) and Energy Demand Assessment for Mongolia’s Energy Sector Restructuring January 20, 2011 Pastoral Risk Management Component, Sustainable Livelihoods Project (SLP) January 20, 2011 Socio-economic study of herders, Preparation of Sustainable Livestock Development Plan in the Dornogobi aimag January 20, 2011 Developing a set of policy reference materials useful for SGMPs policy development activities January 20, 2011 The Semi-Intensive Dairy Sector in Mongolia January 20, 2011 Developing Rural Development Strategy for Mongolia January 20, 2011 Strengthening Customary Herders Groups January 20, 2011 Livelihood Survey for Poor Herders in 3 selected soums of Mongolia January 20, 2011 Action Plan Development for Rural Project January 20, 2011 Social and Economic Assessment of the region January 20, 2011 Gobi region technical and vocational skills, labor and training survey: Work Stream B: Competence Assessment, MCA Mongolia and Oyu Tolgoi Project co-funded, Sustainability East Asia LLC, MCA, Oyu Tolgoi project, April-August 2010 May 8, 2010 Oyu Tolgoi Project Social Impact Assessment (SIA), The Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc., January-October 2009, Khanbogd, Bayan-Ovoo, Tsogttsetsii, Manlai, and Dalanzadgad soums, Umnugobi aimag November 8, 2009 Strengthenening soum technical committees for pastureland management, IFAD, Poverty Reduction Program, 2008-2009, 4 aimags October 8, 2009