Project herder groups have got trans-boundary disease-free status

CPR is implementing ADB TA 9840 project ‘Cooperative-based sustainable agricultural production’ under the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry.

For the first time in Mongolia, project herder groups have got the disease free status from major trans-boundary diseases that hinder meat exports in the Tumentsogt soum of Sukhbaatar aimag with long records of FMD.


•Pilot ways to control animal movements and disease spread by promoting herders’ participation and interest

Incentive mechanisms used:

•Use formal pastureland use boundaries of herder groups who established agreements with soum Governor

•Use the effective rules and standards for examining and declaring disease free status

•Ensure the participation of all stakeholders /MOFALI, Government Authority for Veterinary Services (GAVS), state certified labs and aimag and soum professional organizations and herders/


•Fieldwork assessment and lab analysis was conducted for 3 sample herder groups on 5 diseases

•Professional council under GAVS discussed the report and made the decision to support the disease free status

•Disease free status certificates issued for each of FMD, PPR, smallpox, brucellosis, tuberculosis

•Risk management plan to keep the status approved and training organized among local stakeholders