Project Name: Mongolia: Supporting Sustainable Cashmere Production – Supporting Sustainability Improvements in Pasture, Herd and Fibre Collection |
Country: Mongolia |
Project Location within Country: Bayan-Ovoo soum, Khentii aimag, Ulziit soum, Arkhangai aimag |
Professional Staff Provided by your Company: No of Staff: 7 No of Person-months: 90 |
Name of Client: EBRD One Exchange Square, London EC2A 2JN, United Kingdom, Tuguldur Bayasgalan |
Start Date: July 2019 |
Completion Date: February 2021 |
Approx. Value of Services: Euro |
Name of associated firm(s) if any: No |
No. of Person-Months of Professional Staff Provided by Associated Firm(s): |
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed Dr. Enkh-Amgalan, Team Leader, Center for Policy Research |
Project objective is to: To bring about improvements to the sustainability of pastureland, herd quality and management, and fiber collection. |
Detailed Description of Actual Services provided by your Company: · Develop a training programme and modules with theoretical and practical components for knowledge transfer, with trainers to include experts knowledgeable about pasture management; · Prepare practical guidelines and handouts on the above outlined training topics; · Lead theoretical trainings with background lectures, problem-solving tasks and Q&A sessions; · Organise and hold on-site practical training to cover the above outlined training topics; · The aim of the training will be to reverse grassland degradation, improve rural incomes and reduce herder’s vulnerability to climate variability. Pasture management training sessions will cover topics such as rotational grazing plans and development of schedules in accordance with pre-existing patterns of seasonal pastureland use. · Disseminate relevant materials to local stakeholders after the training; · Disseminate training materials to other interested stakeholders, including through educational institutions and professional associations, to support small producers not directly involved in the training and to strengthen stakeholder networks; |