Piloting sustainable pastureland management model in the Khangai region National Park

Project Name: Piloting sustainable pastureland management model in the Khangai region National Park Country:


Project Location within Country:

Tsenkher soum, Arkhangai aimag

Professional Staff Provided by your Company:

No of Staff: 5

No of Person-months: 50

Name of Client: “Biodiversity and Adaptation to Climate Change” Project, KFW, Germany, Ministry of Environment, Green Development and Tourism
Start Date:

December 2018

Completion Date:

February 2020

Approx. Value of Services:


Name of associated firm(s) if any: No. of Person-Months of Professional

Staff Provided by Associated Firm(s):

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed

Dr. Enkh-Amgalan, Team Leader, Center for Policy Research

Project objective is to:

·      Introduce sustainable pastureland management model;

·      Pilot innovative methods for improving pastureland hay fields including irrigation, fertilizing and fencing;

·      Contribute to maintaining ecosystem balances for endangered wildlife and plant species

Detailed Description of Actual Services provided by your Company:

o   Communicate the assignment info to PA administration and the soum government

o   Undertake socio-economic survey among herders

o   Organize activities to introduce PUAs for not less than 80 percent of herders in target areas

o   Identify pasture monitoring points and launch monitoring activities

o   Study pasture vegetation, degradation levels, carrying capacity and produce 1:100,000 scale GIS maps

o   Identify suitable areas for water/snow harvesting and pilot building water reservoirs

o   Introduce fencing for 5 ha of hay fields

o   Pilot rotational use of not less than 1000 ha of pastures within PA boundaries through proper planning

o   Provide advice to herders on improving livestock breeding and quality and link to potential professionals and service providers

o   Undertake a feasibility study on using the target areas for tourism/resort activities   to generate additional income for herders and provide resulting advice to herder groups and partnerships to implement them

o   Undertake face to face training to herders on potential benefits of buffer zone loan revolving fund to improve their livelihoods and the pastureland use and provide necessary assistance, if the fund is launched