Developing Rules for Revolving Loan Fund of Protected Area Buffer Zones

Project Name: “Developing Rules for Revolving Loan Fund of Protected Area Buffer Zones” Country:


Project Location within Country:

Soums and aimags in the central and eastern regions

Professional Staff Provided by your Company:

No of Staff: 4

No of Person-months: 8

Name of Client: “Biodiversity and Adaptation to Climate Change” Project, KFW, Germany, Ministry of Environment, Green Development and Tourism
Start Date:

May 2017

Completion Date:

October 2017

Approx. Value of Services:


Name of associated firm(s) if any: No. of Person-Months of Professional

Staff Provided by Associated Firm(s):

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed

Dr. Enkh-Amgalan, Team Leader, Center for Policy Research

Detailed Narrative Description of Project: The assignment objective is to assess the current legal and regulatory environment regarding the revolving loan funds designed to support the people’s livelihoods in the protected area buffer zones and produce new rules and organize training on them for target groups.
Detailed Description of Actual Services provided by your Company:

o   Assess terms, performance, repayment and impacts of loans issued by banks to support peoples’ livelihoods

o   Identify and assess lessons learned of micro-finance projects by international programs and projects

o   Government policies to support peoples’ livelihoods and related soft loans and their implementation

o   Assess the current situation with the revolving loan funds designed to support the people’s livelihoods in the protected area buffer zones

o   Produce new rules for revolving loan funds involving following documents:

·           Sample loan agreement

·           Sample collateral agreement

·           Sample loan application forms

·           Rules for evaluating and selecting loan applications

·           Others

o   Organize training for involved stakeholders including buffer zone councils and potential beneficiaries on new rules and related issues such as ways to support peoples livelihoods, sustainable pastureland management, livestock value chains  and project monitoring

o   Produce user friendly manuals required for conducting training