Project Name: Assignments for international environmental organizations:
1.Promoting “Smart Herder” Program and launching its pilot, TNC 2. Governance Assessment of local community-based organizations, capacity building training and exchange visits, WWF 3.Promoting “Smart Herder” Program and launching its pilot, WWF |
Mongolia |
Project Location within Country: Zavkhan, Gobi-Altai, Khovd, Arkhangai, Khuvsgul, Uvurkhangai aimags | Professional Staff Provided by your Company:
No of Staff: 5 No of Person-months: 14 |
Name of Client: World Wildlife Fund /WWF/, The Nature Conservancy /TNC/ | |||
Start Date:
May 2017 |
Completion Date:
December 2017 |
Approx. Value of Services:
Name of associated firm(s) if any: | No. of Person-Months of Professional
Staff Provided by Associated Firm(s): |
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Co-ordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed
Dr. Enkh-Amgalan, Team Leader, Center for Policy Research |
Detailed Narrative Description of Project: The assignment objective is to assist local government and herders in protecting local biodiversity through promoting sustainable development strategies and assisting beneficiaries to adopting them. | |||
Detailed Description of Actual Services provided by your Company:
o Develop a smart herder program aimed at reducing stocking densities in a way that does not diminish herders’ livelihoods by increasing animal sales, improving risk management and accesses to markets. The program has following components: · Make Pastureland use agreement as a tool to cherish herders’ self-interest for sustainable use of pastureland through regulating stocking densities · Organize the value chains of animals and animal products by herder organizations (PUGs, herders groups and partnerships) to improve linkages to markets, value, sales volumes and herder incomes · Establish the Livestock Risk Management Fund by contributions collected from herders and local budget in order to have sustainable funding sources for tackling livestock risks and improving the quality of products o Assist local governments and herders in implementing the program through capacity building training o Develop methodology and indicators for assessing the governance of local community-based organizations o Undertake governance assessment of local community-based organizations and undertake capacity building training to overcome the encountered difficulties by developing and applying comprehensive training materials |