Piloting of a new baby camel combed wool brand product successful

Under the consulting services agreement with Oyu Tolgoia company “Support to Local Business and Economic Development Program (LBED) CPR is piloting a new camel brand product –baby camel combed wool. The objective is to contribute to creating sustainable livelihoods of Khanbogd people by building Galbiin Gobi camel brand product and enhancing competitiveness of livestock herding as a key economic activity.

The combed baby camel wool was chosen from among 12 candidates using criteria – a maximum number potential beneficiaries (all herders can benefit), to be based on Gobi region comparative advantages, application of feasible but innovative technology.

Benefits of combed baby camel wool against traditional sheared wool have been clearly proved by pilot results and lab  analyses.

Manufacturing pilot of end products using the baby camel wool is underway and sample products shall be presented on the annual Market Day to be organized on 25-26 September 2015 in the Khanbogd soum.

Sample end products manufactured using 100% Galba brand baby camel wool: