The “Improving Adaptive Capacity and Risk Management of Rural Communities in Mongolia’’ project (ADAPT Project) funded by the Green Climate Fund was launched in March 2021. The project is being implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) as partnering with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MoFALI), National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for 7 years in Dornod, Sukhbaatar, Zavkhan, and Khovd aimags. The objective of the project is to strengthen the climate resilience of resource-dependent rural populations in the 4 target aimags through feasible adaptation measures for maintaining ecosystem
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Locally Led Climate and Disaster Risk Resilience capacity in Mongolia was assessed
Under the contract with World Bank, CPR assessed the experience of the current Local Development Fund (LDF) and its potential to integrate local participatory climate and disaster risk assessments as part of local project prioritization; assessing key climate priorities requiring local government action, and how these could be supported via additional criteria and capacity building integrated into the LDF. The policy brief summarizing the assessment findings attached.
Read moreThe impact of sand and dust storms on livestock herding was assessed
A sand and dust storm (SDS) contingency planning process was implemented for Mongolia as a case study in the context of an FAO-led interregional project in 2021-2022. The project also supported SDS contingency planning for agriculture in Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Mongolian country component of the project focused on livestock herding the cropping sector in Mongolia is relatively small (cropland occupies only 0.6 percent of Mongolia’s territory), and most crop fields in Mongolia are located in the north, which is less affected by SDS. Two rural soums1 (Saint- sagaan soum of Dundgobi province and Zamyn-Uud soum
Read moreProposed Mongolia’s portfolio of green projects
In March-October, 2023, the Centre for Policy Research completed the EBRD-funded “Mongolia: Green Portfolio Expert/Project Manager” assignment. The assignment was undertaken following a request from the Government of Mongolia to EBRD for supporting the Ministry of Economy and Development (MED) in: The assignment was undertaken with contributions from the renewable energy project expert (UB Grid Consultancy) and the policy expert (KhanLex). Below is the summary report.
Under the UNDP’s ADAPT project, in May-November 2022, CPR has successfully assessed the existing community-based and natural resource using organizations in the Khovd and Zavkhan aimags.
Read moreProvides support to ENSURE Project on Pasture Management
Supporting Sustainable Cashmere Production – Supporting Sustainability Improvements in Pasture, Herd and Fibre Collection
Piloting sustainable pastureland management model in the Khangai region National Park
Project Name: Piloting sustainable pastureland management model in the Khangai region National Park Country: Mongolia Project Location within Country: Tsenkher soum, Arkhangai aimag Professional Staff Provided by your Company: No of Staff: 5 No of Person-months: 50 Name of Client: “Biodiversity and Adaptation to Climate Change” Project, KFW, Germany, Ministry of Environment, Green Development and Tourism Start Date: December 2018 Completion Date: February 2020 Approx. Value of Services: Name of associated firm(s) if any: No. of Person-Months of Professional Staff Provided by Associated Firm(s): Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed Dr. Enkh-Amgalan, Team
Read moreLocal consultations organized on the draft pastureland law
FAO-supported consultations on the draft of pastureland law were organized by CPR in July-August 2018 covering 601 participants in 12 soums of 12 aimags representing different social groups and all ecological regions of Mongolia. The participants included 515 herders and 86 soum/aimag government officials. Herders in Mongolia are encountered with pressing problems in the area of pastureland use and rank overgrazing (71.5%), damages to pasture by rodents and insects (43.0%), increased grazing conflicts and disputes (42.5%) lack of water (36.3%), increased in-migration worsening the availability of pasture (30.6%) as the most pressing. The majority of consultation participants (78.9%) view that
Read moreProject Name: Mongolia Improving Productivity of Dairy Farmers (Phase III)
Project Name: Mongolia Improving Productivity of Dairy Farmers (Phase III) Country: Mongolia Project Location within Country: Dairy farmers in the Selenge, Tuv, Khentii aimags Professional Staff Provided by your Company: No of Staff: 3 No of Person-months: 5 Name of Client: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development /EBRD/ Start Date: Aug 2017 Completion Date: June 2018 Approx. Value of Services: Name of associated firm(s) if any: Friesian Agro Consultancy BV, Netherlands No. of Person-Months of Professional Staff Provided by Associated Firm(s): 5 Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) involved and functions performed Ben Braakman Dairy
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